The go kart design packet/kit is comprised of the following: It's very low to the ground and is designed strictly for on-road driving with the current tires spec'd out in the build packet. This go kart design is modeled after the shifter kart style of go karts.

I wanted to extend the opportunity for anyone else looking to take on the same type of project since it has been such a rewarding and educating experience. It's a ton of fun to load this thing up in my truck and take it out to an empty parking lot (closed off of course) on the weekend and rip this thing around!įUN FACT! I sent pictures of my go kart design with my story as to why I built it to Christian von Koenigsegg (the founder and CEO of Koenigsegg Automotive) since he is a huge inspiration of mine, and I got nothing but thumbs up from him! (check out the last few photos on the listing!) Since starting the build in 2014, I've slowly built my go kart up to be very custom and unique to exactly my style and taste. I built this go kart several years ago and it has been nothing but a blast to work on and drive. and this type of project was a great way to keep me inspired while I was in the thick of my engineering school work. I've always loved hands-on type of work, fabrication, building, etc. This go kart design is the exact design I used for the go kart I fabricated myself completely from the ground-up when I was an engineering student in college. This is an in-depth go kart design and drawing kit for anyone looking to build a custom go kart of their own.