Depending on the volume of compressed air available, the desired surface process can be achieved, be it critical, delicate or none critical or the desire for more process speed (coverage), an appropriate air jet and nozzle size can be decided upon. Various bore sized air jets and nozzles are available.This means that the flow of media is smooth and constant and this is adjusted at the air/ media pick up placed in or immediately below the media hopper. It is important to set the air to media ratio correctly to optimise the work eff ort.

The distance between the end of the nozzle and work is normally between 125mm and 225mm, with a good recommended average of 150mm.The air/media mixture is then propelled at speed through a media nozzle and out towards the work surface of the component to be processed.The air dispelled through the air jet, then passes over the media tube end, creating the venturie/suction effect drawing the media up the tube from the hopper below.Compressed Air is piped to the rear end of the blast gun, and placed throug h a given sized air jet nozzle, housed inside the rear of the blast gun.Venturi/Suction fed cabinets are easily adaptable it is easy to change media, easy to maintain and have easy and simple controls. They are also generally the less expensive regarding the initial investment, expenditure and running costs. Venturi/suction blast cabinets and operating principles are by far the main method of delivery and are capable of many applications.

And nine (9) important tips to observe when “air blasting” ….